Watch #BringArtBack Film Festival Now

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In our first year teaching film, Thrive Collective’s School Media program taught 450 students the basics of filmmaking and storytelling.

Brooklyn’s PS 282 K-5th graders and middle school students at IS 42Q and IS 183Q in the Rockaways put their imaginations to the test, producing 40 student films. They learned to use the green screen, boom mic, DSLR cameras, smartphone and tablet cameras, and editing software, while creating commercials, music videos, newscasts, PSAs, and more. Even a thriller!

Watch all the films here.

Invest in Storytellers

Support Thrive Collective’s School Media program by donating dollars, equipment, or time as guest instructors, editors, or animators. Every investment helps children live and tell great stories. Give online here.


Christine Casado

Thrive Collective Media Director

All stories by: Christine Casado

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