Featured Partner: WallWorks NY

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As part of our ongoing collection of Tools for Schools, WallWorks NY has curated the “Quarantine Coloring Book,” featuring legendary artists: BIO, BG183, Br163, CRASH, DAZE, FENX, Jahan, Joe Iurato, Lady Pink, Logan Hicks, MadC, MIST, NICER, Nick Walker, Olga Correa, Remi Rough, Shiro, Smetsky, and Steph Burr.

Wallworks proprietor Crash, a longtime friend of Thrive, is offering the collection as a collab with #KindnessBeatsTheVirus, and a fun preview for an upcoming “Wildestyle Edition” coloring book that will be available at the end of April.

Download the book, along with many other resources on our Tools for Schools page. Then share your masterpiece versions on social media by tagging the artist and #KindnessBeatsTheVirus.


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