Your Time is Valuable.
You volunteer because you have something beautiful to offer the world around you. You want to make a difference.
That’s why we match our volunteers to opportunities where you’ll add the most value. We promise to never give you busy work.
Our volunteers empower students to create masterpiece lives as they beautify the world around them. Our collaborative teams embrace student-led public art as a vehicle for awareness, change, and wrap-around supports necessary for all NYC students and schools to thrive — without exception or condition.
Within the first few days, I found myself traveling across all five boroughs, gaining a passion and love for the city I had never experienced before during my four years at NYU. I learned skills I never thought I would be able to do: from writing grant proposals, to contacting city councilmen, to helping teach mural classes in the Bronx. Jeremy’s encouragement and training paired with my activities as an intern gave me practical opportunities to put what I was learning about into practice.
One of my favorite experiences since moving to New York was painting murals as a Thrive Intern.
Being a Thrive Intern gave me the opportunity that I was looking for. The most rewarding part for me was the opportunity to focus and empower high school and middle school students for life success.
This internship was so much more than ‘busywork.’ It was an opportunity to make a difference within public city schools.
Working together as a team allowed us to utilize our strengths and cover each other’s weaknesses. It was also encouraging to know that my input was heard in each project.