The Biggest Project Ever

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The “I Am NYC” collaboration with the High School of Telecommunications, Arts, and Technology is a case study in why we love collaborating with teachers and NYC high school students. This, from first year art teacher Veronica Giurdanella:

“This will be the view for every student attending HSTAT in Bay Ridge from now on. The mural was the biggest project I’ve ever had the opportunity to complete in my art education career. This visual representation and symbolism was created by all of my classes collaboratively. Welcome, diversity, community, and plenty of persistence. I feel nothing but joy and accomplishment. My principal and I closed our eyes and walked in through the student entrance to really get the full experience of the visual embrace of color and welcome.”

And this, from Principal Xhenete Shepard:

When I walk through that student entrance and I take a look at this, I’m reminded of when we first met… and we were talking about what we hoped for this to be, and I said, ‘You and the kids decide what you like. I just want everyone to feel really embraced with kindness and diversity when they walk in the room.’ From that vantage point, when you look this way, there’s nothing but that, that you feel. They clearly did an amazing job, and I just want to thank [the entire team]. This is really a great addition to our building.”

Enjoy the full “I Am NYC” portfolio here.

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