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PS/MS 282

Bandlab Music Makers

PS 282 students produced their own music during Thrive Collective’s winter 2020 School Media after school program using BandLab. They talk about the importance of creating music during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I don’t like hearing about coronavirus, when people die and stuff. But as Mr. Josh says, if you feel something, let it out in…

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School Media Returns to PS 282

Thanks to ongoing support from NYC Council Member Brad Lander and the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, School Media returned to PS 282 for a fourth year in a row. Our third and fourth grade after-school students produced three videos. Enjoy.

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“Serendipity,” by Michela Muserra

This mural had a story. Now it has two. I started this mural in April 2017. Through Thrive Collective, the non-profit I work for, I was assigned PS 282 Elementary School in Park Slope, Brooklyn. The mural would be a celebration of life for all the kids in the school, but most of all it…

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“All You Need is Love” (and More) at PS 282

Congratulations once again to our amazing School Media students at PS 282. They leveraged Council Member Brad Lander’s Digital Inclusion grant to transform toys (smart phones and tablets) into tools to produce and edit five student films this year. Enjoy the full playlist below.

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Enjoy our Student Films

Thanks in part to Digital Inclusion and Art as Catalyst for Change grants from NYC City Council members Donovan Richards and Brad Lander, year 2 of our School Media program included schools in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. Enjoy our catalogue of student videos here. The PS 282 students also created their own website to…

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Captain Jack’s Wonder Voyage

What a privilege to be trusted with “Captain Jack’s Wonder Voyage” at PS/MS 282 this year. This mural celebrates the life and creative energy of Jack Roberts, a pre-K student at the school whose life was tragically cut short in 2016. On Father’s Day 2017, we had the honor of dedicating the mural with Mr.…

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Why We LOVE Faith Motivated Volunteers

On April 8th, twenty-five incredible volunteers from Christian Cultural Center prepped three school mural projects at MS 42, MS 183, and PS 282. Then they produced this video to challenge their congregation to help #BringArtBack to NYC public schools. Watch the video to find why faith motivated volunteers are some of our most dedicated. Sign…

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Watch #BringArtBack Film Festival Now

  In our first year teaching film, Thrive Collective’s School Media program taught 450 students the basics of filmmaking and storytelling. Brooklyn’s PS 282 K-5th graders and middle school students at IS 42Q and IS 183Q in the Rockaways put their imaginations to the test, producing 40 student films. They learned to use the green screen, boom mic,…

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2016 Thrive Collective Mural Celebration

Work Hard. Then Celebrate (17 Times)!

What’s better than to celebrate twelve murals, a South Bronx art festival, three recitals, and three film festivals throughout the city? Celebrating this accomplishment with all our friends! The completion of public art, whether murals, music, or media, testafies to the creative capacities of our students and their communities. From local art stores and artist…

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