Posts Tagged :

PS 102

Why Should Parents Get Involved?

Why should parents get involved with Thrive Collective? “Learning goes beyond the classroom, and this is truly beyond the classroom. … Sometimes we get stuck in the everyday, and this gives us a chance to do something beautiful. … Working on the painting with my daughter and my husband and the rest of the community…

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Leaders Agree: #BringArtBack

What can Democratic city councilman, Republican state senators, and nonpolitical public school principals all agree on? “When I saw that mural on the wall, the word ‘Thrive’ just comes right out!” “This is what it’s about: giving art back to our children.” “Thank you for making this possible.” Featuring long-time supporters and collaborators NYC Councilman…

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PS 102 Says “Thank You”

Students from Brooklyn’s PS 102 say, “Thank you!” to all our School Murals schools, partners, students, artists, volunteers, and sponsors this year. Together, 1,100 students from thirteen schools and 550 volunteers from 34 partner organizations produced ten murals totaling 5,900 square feet of public art this school year.

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DOE: “PS 102 Says ‘Welcome’ with Mural”

For the month of October, the NYC Department of Education has featured the PS 102 mural on its homepage. “Welcome” to our school! As featured in: The Brownstoner // The Bay Ridge Eagle // Brooklyn Family // Department of Education // New York Teacher BAY RIDGE’S PS 102, “THE BAY VIEW SCHOOL,” CELEBRATES DIVERSITY WITH COMPLETION OF A NEW SCHOOLYARD MURAL Inspired by…

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