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Tears from a Clown

“I cried three times the day after Eddie bought us a van. Mostly, they were tears of joy and gratitude, sprinkled with a healthy dose of humbling too.” Friends, We did it! Thank you to all who donated last month to support my birthday fundraiser to replace the 2005 Grand Caravan with 187k miles that…

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Our Highest Appreciation

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy Friends, Thank you for trusting us! We will make you proud. Just before the holidays, a donor challenged us with our largest matching grant opportunity ever, offering to match…

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Speak Up and Judge Fairly

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Friends, True confession: I used to hate fundraising. There are days when I’m tempted to still hate it. During a personal retreat in August, I remembered the “why” I do what I do professionally. As a…

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Lights, Cameras, Action: Start and Finish Strong

One of the highlights of 2016 for me came when Youth Specialties asked to film a short documentary about Thrive Collective’s work to feature at the National Youth Workers Convention in November. We had essentially twelve hours for filming — not much to cover 100 schools, 150 partner organizations, and 50,000 students across all five boroughs. I…

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Your Generosity Means an Historic Opportunity

Your generous response to #GivingTuesday means a historic holiday match for Thrive Collective. Please help us maximize this opportunity. In the days after launching our Bring Art Back giving campaign on #GivingTuesday, more than 60 donors contributed over $3,600, mostly online. Thank you for your generosity! In response, a donor pledged up to $36,000 – 10x…

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