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Combating COVID

Thrive Collective executive director Jeremy Del Rio has taught nationally for the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative since graduating from the program in 2010. This summer DVULI features Thrive’s response to COVID-19 in their quarterly publication. Here’s the article. Download the pdf. #kindnessbeatsthevirus In New York, students and artists combat the coronavirus with kindness. By Jeremy…

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Dishonorable Mention: Rolling Stone Corrects the Record

Ed. Note: On March 23, 2017, Rolling Stone magazine published false allegations about Thrive Collective conspiring with Betsy Devos to undermine public education, and using murals and mentoring programs as a pretense for churches to evangelize. Below are our published responses in the magazine and on the website. 1. ONLINE: “Update” posted on Rolling Stone’s website on 4/5/17, appended to…

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