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Legendary Graffiti Artists Transform P.S. 9 with Mural Makeover

Living, Breathing Artists from the Bronx  Tats Cru’s work around the school entrance. It’s a rare school that features murals by some of the greatest street artists in the world, but P.S. 9, Ryer Avenue Elementary School does! A massive mural makeover transformed three floors of this Bronx-based elementary school over the past two weekends.…

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Cycloptic Merman: Coney Art Walls 2016

Our first (of two) Summer Intensive 2016 featured a second consecutive Coney Art Walls mural project art directed by Chris Daze Ellis. Daze’s “Cycloptic Merman” concept revolves around a central figure that blends two iconic Coney Island characters, surrounded by vignettes depicting Coney Island traditions and culture. Daze invited our students, interns, and teaching artists to design…

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Meet Zanab and Josh

In 2015, Jeffrey Deitsch commissioned street art legend DAZE for the Coney Art Walls exhibition. DAZE collaborated with students from to create a signature piece. Enjoy the “Under the Sea” School Mural portfolio here.

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