Honoring Robert W. Ayala

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With a heavy heart, we must let our community know our dear friend and collaborator, Rob Ayala, passed away.

Rob played a key role with Thrive Collective; as a leader and pillar of RHYME, a content creator with our social media team, and contributions to our Murals Program.

Rob was the epitome of what it means to be a teaching artist, demonstrating exceptional skills as a teacher, mentor, visual artist, and emcee. He engaged staff and students in meaningful ways and made the extra effort to build relationships with the parents of students. His students have embraced the challenges, contributing to their communities beautifully. Rob and his students have represented us well through their projects and even interviews with local news outlets.

We are eternally grateful for the beautiful work Rob created with us. We are humbled that we had the chance to serve our city and young people alongside such a great man.

This loss impacts all of us, but it affects some more profoundly because of the close work or the personal relationships Rob built with them. Let’s all take the time to be there for one another and be mindful of what people may be experiencing.

We will pay homage to and keep his memory alive by continuing our great work, which he loved. As we continue this season, remember to Lead, Inspire, Create and Love like Rob Ayala.

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