Replace what was Stolen

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I’m Emily from Thrive Collective, a rising senior at EBT High School in Brooklyn. I’ve worked with Thrive for two years and helped paint three murals, including one at my school and two more in Coney Island and Harlem.  Our goal is to help students like me bring out our inner creativity, and to use that creativity to make our schools and communities more beautiful. Adrian, Edmond, Laura and I made this page because we believe in Thrive and have been personally grown from its work.

A few days ago we were robbed. Thieves took $4,000 worth of computer and electronic equipment that we use everyday for our programs for children and public schools throughout New York City. These programs create hope and opportunity for students like me as we work together to beautify our neighborhoods.

Please help us #BringArtBack to more kids by helping us replace what was taken. Give generously, and no gift is too small. If we exceed our goal, we will use every penny from this campaign to bring more arts programs to NYC public schools this year.

–       Emily (16), Thrive Collective student and intern since 2016

Donate Now on GoFundMe

Help us replace what was stolen.

Please give generously.

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