PS 158: Together we Win

Featuring Art Direction by Marissa Molina and Plushie (Brooklyn 2023)
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Sample Text

The “Together We Win” mural by Marissa Molina and Plushie for PS 158 in East New York features civil rights luminaries Martin Luther King, Jr, Rosa Parks, and Cesar Chavez. Inspired by the school’s slogan — “Stepping into the future, together we win” — the mural celebrates where we have been, where we are, and where we are going as a community.

The design includes historical figures featured in the 5th grade curriculum, and focuses on the path forward. That path leads to the middle of the doors with students holding hands going down the path. Animal designs students created are also featured on the back backs to further the idea of diversity and working together.

PS 158K: Together We Win (2023)

Murals by Marissa Molina

Murals by Plushie

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Project Details

Together we Win
PS 158K: The Warwick School (2023)

• Art Direction: Marissa Molina and Plushie
• 150 Square Feet
• Latex and Acrylic on Block
• Sponsored by PS 158 and Dept. of Cultural Affairs

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior
  • Intensive

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