PS 18: We, the Power 2

Featuring Art Direction by Vanesa Álvarez Díaz (Brooklyn 2023)
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Artist Vanesa Álvarez Díaz returned to PS 18 in 2023 to paint “We, The Power 2,” the continuation of last spring’s “We, the Power.” 

The mural is divided into two sections: one dresses a stairway while the other beautifies the landing of the sixth floor. The school already had a theme in mind for the mural, which was “Loving Engagement.” We worked with 47 children, who were divided into two groups. Each group had a section of the mural. To create a balanced, motivational and energy-filled design, we decided to continue working with the “community superheroes” perspective.

We asked each child to draw themselves as a superhero and to think about their community superpowers. Then, we drew the students and several teachers in a “cartoon-style” and holding a power pose.

For the design, we drew the children and teachers standing side-by-side in a long line. Above them are words and phrases that they chose while drawing their individual superheroes, and each child is in a different power pose. In the background of the design, we can see Brooklyn’s iconic water tanks. Other background elements include stripes, stars, and circles to give the mural a sense of joy.

So that all children could participate in the painting of the mural, and to interrupt the busy stairway and landing as little as possible, we painted it on Polytab (cotton paper for murals, similar to a canvas). We had a fantastic paint party with the children’s families and worked with the students comfortably at tables. Finally, once painted, we installed the mural on the wall with a special glue.

PS 18 Edward Bush: We, the Power 2 (2023)

As Seen on Social Media

Murals by Vanesa Álvarez Díaz

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Project Details

We, the Power 2
PS 18 Edward Bush (2023)

• Art Direction: Vanesa Álvarez Díaz
• Contributing Artists: Arantxa X. Rodríguez, Andrea Amanda and Danny Diodato
• 40 Square Feet
• Acrylic Paint on Polytab
• Sponsored by PS 18

  • Elementary School
  • Interior

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