PS 250: The Places You'll Go

Featuring Art Direction by Chris Gomez (2018)
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Favorite book characters and Steven Covey principles come alive in “The Places You’ll Go” mural at PS 250 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  Our first ever mural in a school library features art direction by Christopher Gomez. Special thanks to the PS 250 Parents Association who made the project happen!

PS 250: The Places You’ll Go (2018)

PS 250: Production

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Project Details

PS 250: The Places You'll Go
Weekends (Brooklyn 2018)

• Art Direction & Teaching Artist: Chris Gomez
• Interior Library Wall
• 150 Square Feet
• Latex and acrylic on plaster
• Sponsored by the PS 250 Parents Association 2017-2018

  • Elementary School
  • Interior

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