MS 141/RKA: The Arcade

Featuring Art Direction by Nico Collazo (2021)
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After a year of online learning, the students at MS 141/RKA are more than familiar with the virtual world👾 With a name like The Arcade, it was fitting to have MS 141/RKA reach out for a mural in this space and paying tribute to this notable time in education. Bringing more nuance to connecting, students and staff shared key moments of online learning while also reconnecting in person. Reflecting on these brought forth much of the unity between MS 141 and RKA, and most importantly the importance of play and working together in the game of life!🕹

MS 141/RKA: The Arcade

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Project Details

The Arcade
MS 141/Riverside Kingsbridge Academy (2021)

• Art Direction: Nico Collazo
• 421 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Brick
• Sponsored by NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, Cultural After School Adventures '21, NYC Council Member Andrew Cohen, and Principal Omara

  • Exterior
  • High School
  • Middle School

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