PS 78 Makeover: Synergize

Featuring Art Direction by Kenneth "Christ" Tooley (Bronx 2023)
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The 7 Healthy Habits Series

Thrive Collective artists painted a series of 15 murals at PS 78 in the Bronx based on the book The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey. The seven habits are:

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin With the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First
  4. Think Win-Win
  5. Think First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw

Click on any of the portfolios below to learn more about a specific mural, and keep scrolling to see our curated collection of photos for this mural makeover.


Author Sean Covey utilizes astonishing characters and plots to illustrate his family’s philosophy in his book titled The 7 Habits of Happy Kids.
The principal of PS 78, in her quest to cultivate and implement these habits with her students requested a mural of the sixth habit— Synergize.
Synergy, which is defined as the act of cooperating to be more efficient, is portrayed as the cause and effect of a classroom science project within these two murals.

In the first design students work together to build a robot. The children contribute in various ways to prepare the robot to benefit their school; two students prepare words for the robot’s database (Synergy, Harmony, Cooperation), the boy on the laptop is preparing code to program the robot, and two more students work together to build it. The robot projects from its lens the school code, PS 78.

The second design is the aftermath of the students’ hard work. The robot now projects scenes it’s witnessed of students and staff displaying acts to cooperation, harmony, and ultimately, synergy. The student humbly accepts the school lunch that’s been prepared for him, a young boy aides a teammate during play, two students harmonize to create beautiful music, and the last scene is the celebration of winning the trophy. These scenes are portrayed over the heads of two flabbergasted students from the previous wall.

PS 78 Makeover: The 7 Habits Series

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Project Details

PS 78 Anne Hutchinson (2023)

• Art Direction: Kenneth "Christ" Tooley
• 104 Square Feet
• Mixed Media
• Sponsored by NYC DOE

  • Elementary School
  • Intensive
  • Interior

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