PS 329: Surfside Strong

Featuring Art Direction by Peach Tao (Brooklyn 2021)
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After Hurricane Sandy and riding wave after wave in 2020, the students of the Surfside School definitely know how to rise high with the tide. In a school where much has been endured, strength to grow and shine as a beacon is surely evidence of the resilience that flows through these halls. This mural project was our way in supporting the public declaration of their dedication to perseverance and to inspire others to do so as well.

PS 329: Surfside Strong

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Project Details

Surfside Strong
P.S. 329 (2021)

• Art Direction: Peach Tao
• 250 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Brick
• Contributing Artists @mcmaniphes @f.mendoza @importance_of_daydreams
• Sponsored by NYC Council Member Mark Treyger, NYC Department of Youth and Community Development

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior
  • PS 329

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