Spread Love, Stop Asian Hate

Featuring Art Direction by Bianca Romero (Manhattan 2021)
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SPREAD LOVE, STOP ASIAN HATE ♥️ In response to the nationwide increase in anti-Asian violence, we were honored to stand in solidarity with the AAPI community through this project. Partnering with artist Bianca Romero, this mural was created to uplift and hold space for this community and in celebration of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Our socially distanced unveiling event and street fair hosted a collective and public space of celebration featuring various performances and access to AAPI community resources. Many thanks to NYC Mayor’s Office, NY Chinese Alliance Church and Bianca Romero for the opportunity to collectively support and hold space for this community and reminding us all to “Spread Love, Stop Asian Hate.”

Spread Love, Stop Asian Hate

NYC First Lady Press Conference

Stop Asian Hate Block Party

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Project Details

Spread Love, Stop Asian Hate
NY Chinese Alliance Church (2021)

• Art Direction: Bianca Romero
• 1500 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Brick
• Sponsored by NYC Mayor's Office and NY Chinese Alliance Church

  • Community Mural
  • Exterior

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