IS 117/The Young Women's Leadership School: Rich Tapestry

Featuring Art Direction by Ashley Crawford (Bronx 2022)
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“Rich Tapestry” is a reflective mural on inclusion, diversity, and respect. Thrive artists Ashley Crawford and Kristy McCarthy led art lessons with over a hundred students at I.S. 117 Joseph P. Wade Academies and The Young Women’s Leadership School. Students ranging in age from 12 to 18, from junior high to high school, created pieces that focused on the beauty of varied perspectives, diversity in art, and symbolism. The theme was decided by Principals Delise Jones of I.S. 117 and Devon Eisenberg of TYWLS, who both expressed the need for their students to be represented, feel respected, and be welcomed as the school hosts a myriad of students from all walks of life. With an emphasis to celebrate the African, Islamic, and LGBTQ+ community, the mural’s title comes from a Maya Angelou quote which is featured in the design which reads, “We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”

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Project Details

Rich Tapestry
IS 117/The Young Women’s Leadership School (2022)

• Art Direction: Ashley Crawford
• 700 square feet
• Medium: Latex and Acrylic on Concrete
• Contributing Artists Kristy McCarthy, Joshua Gabriel, Marissa Molina, Vickie, Sydney Tirado
• Sponsored by Council Members Fernando Cabrera, Pierina Sanchez, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC DYCD, Cultural After-School Adventures, Co-Principal Devon Eisenberg,Co-Principal LeMarie Laureano, Principal Delise Jones

  • Exterior
  • Middle School

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