The “Respect Road” mural at MS 83 in the Bronx reflects the school’s “Bulldog Pride” and “Respect for All” mantras, along with its core values of respect, responsibility, and reflection. The principal wanted to design to go against type and avoid food references in the cafeteria, while emphasizing the importance of friendliness in the lunch room as an antidote to lunchroom cliques, drama, and bullying.
“Respect Road” is the result, and captures the students’ interpretations of the major thematic elements. The overall design explores social and emotional health through kindness and friendliness, while integrating the bulldog school mascot as a metaphor for friendship (man’s best friend). This mural is a second collaboration with New York Edge at MS 83 in the Bronx, after “Get Active” in 2018.
MS 83X: Respect Road (2019)

MS 83X: Respect Road Production

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