Renaissance School of the Arts / PS 155: Los Pilares de Cambio

Featuring Art Direction by Ashley Crawford (Manhattan 2022)
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“Los Pilares de Cambio”, The Pillars of Change, is a deep dive and homage to some of the many leaders of Afro-latino communities placed in the front of the schools’ building. Thrive Collective artists, Ashley and Plushie collaborated with two schools, P.S.155 and Renaissance School of the Arts to create this impactful piece to inspire young leaders of the community to go after their ideas like the many leaders who did in the past. The principals Ms.Torres and Mr.Bradley chose the theme, whilst Ashley and Plushie conducted lessons with the students based on leadership, art-building skills, and representation. For many students, this project was their first time drawing, painting and getting familiar with art at all since P.S.155 does not have an art department. We worked with 7 classes, over 100 students ranging between the ages of 9 years old to 13 years old. With help from the school faculty, on painting days we were able to create opportunities for the older students and staff to guide and lead the younger students along the painting process. It was an uplifting experience and brought together many supportive folks from the community to also help bring such a big project together.

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Project Details

Los Pilares de Cambio
Renaissance School of the Arts (RSA)/PS 155 (2022)

• Art Direction: Ashley Crawford
• Contributing Artists: Plushie, Peach Tao, Chris Colon, Joshua Gabriel, Danny Diodato, Sally Chen, Will DeNatale, Marissa Molina, Sydney Tirado, Andrea Amanda
• 500 Square Feet
• Medium: Latex and Acrylic on Brick
• Sponsored by Council Member Diana Ayala, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC DYCD, Speaker’s Initiative and Principal Marcia Torres

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior
  • Middle School

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