PS 78SI: The Reading Garden

Featuring Art Direction by Mona Oman (2024)
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In conjunction with the Peace in the Park initiative, Projectivity also curated a mural makeover of PS 78’s annex building consisting of three murals totaling 900 square feet by Lina Montoya and Mona Oman.

Peace in the Park includes 20 murals spanning a 200 foot long wall PS 78 shares with Rev. Dr. Maggie Howard Park in Staten Island’s Stapleton neighborhood. The mural project was a community response to several violent crimes in 2023, including the elementary school’s window being struck by gunfire, and the fatal shooting of Jamoure Harrell, a 13-year-old killed while playing basketball in the playground in May.

The Staten Island Advance reported on the project here.

Peace in the Park, Vol. 2 (2024)


Peace in the Park: Photos by Christine Cruz

As Seen on Instagram

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Project Details

The Reading Garden
PS 78 Annex Makeover (2024)

• Art Direction: Mona Oman
• 250 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Concrete
• Curated by Projectivity
• Sponsored by NYC Council Member Kamillah Hanks, the Staten Island Foundation and NYC Department of Cultural Affairs

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior
  • Intensive

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