RAIN Tolentine Senior Center: The Joys of Life

Featuring Art Direction by Savannah Zambrano (Bronx 2022)
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For this project, Thrive Collective partnered with RAIN Tolentine Senior center members to design a mural that reflects their values, their community, and what they enjoy doing.

Some ideas represented in the mural are tropical plants, flowers, and birds, chalupa, bingo, dance and movement, music, and embroidery. There is also a rainbow, with small animals dancing, people sailing at sea, reaching out toward each other, and the seniors sharing a meal together.

These ideas came from the artwork that the seniors created and the conversations we had with them. They enjoy the time they share together at the center, and they want to showcase the color, vibrancy, and love they have for their friends, families, loved ones, and their homes. We are grateful to have been invited to their space to create something beautiful with them. That celebrates the connection and community they nurture in their daily lives.

RAIN Tolentine Senior Center: The Joys of Life

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Project Details

The Joys of Life
RAIN Tolentine Senior Center (2022)

• Art Direction: Savannah Zambrano
• Contributing Artists: Sally Chen, Danny Diodato, Sydney Tirado, Merari Hernandez, Andrea Amanda
• 207 Square Feet
• Latex and Acrylic on Canvas
• Sponsored by Council Member Fernando Cabrera,, Pierina Sanchez, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC Department for the Aging, SUCASA, Irma Toro

  • Community Center
  • Interior

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