PS/MS 282 Thrive Gala

Teaching Artist: Kekoa (Brooklyn 2015)
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From November 2014 – June 2015, Thrive Teaching Artist Kekoa taught third and fourth graders at PS 282 visual arts skills including collage, sculpture, masks, and totems. A curated selection of completed works was presented at the school as a pop-up gallery exhibition on June 17, 2015.

Student Work

PS/MS 282 Inaugural Thrive Art Gala

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Project Details

Thrive Residency
PS/MS 282 (Brooklyn 2015)

• Teaching Artist: Kekoa
• 24 Week Residency
• 3rd and 4th Grades
• Subjects: Collage, Sculpture, Masks, Totems

  • Accredited Elective
  • Elementary School

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