PS 279: D is 4 Diversity

Featuring Art Direction by Colleen Kong-Savage (Bronx 2022)
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“D is 4 Diversity” is a series of auditorium murals that explore cultural diversity and creating community within PS 279. This is the second year Councilmember Fernando Cabrera funded an Art as Catalyst for Change mural program for PS 279. Through this funding, students got to focus on creating a positive and energetic neighborhood filled with a vast amount of people coexisting. Students designed characters and buildings for the mural, forming a neighborhood of buildings unique in appearance, purpose, and history. The D and the 4 trains are subway lines serving this neighborhood, and we used the windows to carry words of positivity. The garden with its many species of plants was another metaphor we used for diversity.

Check out the video above to see how our teaching artists integrated student drawings into the mural!

PS 279: D Is For Diversity

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Project Details

D is 4 Diversity
PS/MS 279 (2022)

• Art Direction: Colleen Kong-Savage
• Contributing Artists: Emily Gooden and Aranxta Rodriguez
• 430 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Drywall
• Sponsored by Council Member Fernando Cabrera, Pierina Sanchez, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC DYCD, Art as Catalyst for Change, Principal Jean Dalton-Encke, and Michele P Coyle-Hughes

  • Elementary School
  • Interior
  • Middle School

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