PS 185: Harlem Strong

Featuring Art Direction by Michela Muserra (Manhattan 2021)
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HARLEM STRONG💫 Drawing inspiration from the school motto, “Harlem strong, Harlem proud, Harlem excellence,” this project invited students to tap into their imagination and dreams for a future Harlem. Shooting for the stars, our students went above and beyond as they shared playful scenes of a city like no other. A place where learning and play intersect, we find ourselves over the rainbow, riding high alongside aircrafts and astronauts. Overlooking the distant skylines, this project offers a short escape in a bright and colorful world, while still reminding us that this can be our reality. Made by Harlem, for Harlem — thanks to P.S. 185 for showing us the importance of carrying values and dreams across generations.

PS 185: Harlem Strong

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Project Details

Harlem Strong
P.S. 185 (2021)

• Art Direction: Michela Muserra
• 480 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Brick and Cement
• Contributing Artists @a_gray_sun @importance_of_daydreaming @smellymellon
• Sponsored by NYC Department of Cultural Affairs and NY City Artist Corps

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior
  • Summer Intensive

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