PS 889: Be Kind

Featuring Art Direction by Michela Muserra (Brooklyn 2022)
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“Be Kind” is a project that Thrive Collective, PS 889 students and faculty came together to create in their very own courtyard, where the kids played. For the theme of this mural, the principal Ms.Militello and the social worker Judy, wanted us to create a mural with the students that encouraged diversity and kindness. With the students, Michela Muserra, Plushie and Chris Colon did drawing activities with the pre-selected classes throughout the day, sharing the message that diversity is fun and it’s cool to be unique. The students ranged between 9 to 11 years old. Between 4 classes and a few family painting days, we worked with over 100 students on this project. Together we created, painted and celebrated this mural, from the students’ drawings and ideas shared in classes to painting them on the wall. It was a beautiful project that truly showcased kindness in many forms, true to it’s theme.

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Project Details

Be Kind
PS889 (2022)

• Art Direction: Michela Muserra
• 684 Square Feet
• Medium
• Contributing Artists: Plushie, Chris Colon
• Sponsored by DCLA

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior

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