PS 250: Brooklyn, Home Sweet Home

Featuring Art Direction by Mr. Kaves (Brooklyn 2022)
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Three iconic Brooklyn-based artists transformed the front entrance to PS 250 in this 900 sq. ft. mural project.

Watch the video above to see how artists Bianca Romero, RIBS and Mister Kaves convert blank brick walls into colorful stories, and watch the video below to hear from Principal Rod Young and PS 250’s very own 5th graders about what the murals mean to them.

PS 250: Brooklyn, Home Sweet Home (1 of 3)

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Project Details

Brooklyn, Home Sweet Home
PS 250 (2022)

• Art Direction: Mr. Kaves
• 400 Square Feet
• Latex, Acrylic, Spray on Brick
• Sponsored by DCLA, DYCD, Principal Rodney Young

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior

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