PS 13: Embrace Life

Featuring Art Direction by Marissa Molina and Kenny Altidor (Brooklyn 2022)
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PS 13 is a school that embraces the arts and how much those creative outlets are critical in life and academics. For the spring of 2022, PS 13 contracted Thrive Collective for an intensive mural painting program. The theme celebrates Roberto Clemente, whom the school is named after, cultural diversity, and aspirations for the future on whichever path students chose. Third and Fourth grade students collaborated on this mural and helped to bring it to life.

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Project Details

Embrace Life
PS 13 (2022)

• Art Direction: Marissa Molina and Kenny Altidor
• 200 Square Feet
• Medium: Latex and Acrylic on Brick
• Sponsored by Open Minded Therapy, ICL, PS 13 and Dept. of Cultural Affairs

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior

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