PGMS: Pelham Gardens

Featuring Art Direction by Marissa Molina (The Bronx 2021)
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The seeds of tomorrow are blooming at Pelham Gardens🌼 Our time on this project gifted us the chance to pay homage to the growing students at Pelham Gardens Middle School. Whether students are exploring different subjects or well into pursuing the next steps in life, Pelham Gardens believes it’s important to uplift, motivate and support students throughout any stage of their youth. This project showed us just how innovation and play can create bright futures and build worlds beyond our imagination. Thanks to the Pelham Gardens Panthers for reminding us to dream big and believe in the futures we hold in our hands.

PGMS: Pelham Gardens

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Project Details

Pelham Gardens
Pelham Gardens Middle School (2021)

• Art Direction: Marissa Molina
• 580 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Concrete and Metal
• Sponsored by the community of Pelham Gardens

  • Exterior
  • Intensive
  • Middle School

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