Peace in the Park, Vol 2

Curated by Christian Penn / Projectivity (2024)
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Projectivity and Thrive Collective returned to Rev. Dr. Maggie Howard Park in Staten Island’s Stapleton neighborhood to complete the “Peace in the Park” mural this spring.

The extreme mural makeover covers more than 200 feet of wall the park shares with PS 78. The mural project was a community response to several violent crimes in 2023, including the elementary school’s window being struck by gunfire, and the fatal shooting of Jamoure Harrell, a 13-year-old killed while playing basketball in the playground in May.

The Staten Island Advance reported on the project here.

Peace in the Park, Vol. 2 (2024)


Peace in the Park: Photos by Christine Cruz

As Seen on Instagram

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Project Details

Peace in the Park, Vol. 2
PS 78 / Rev. Dr. Maggie Howard Park (2024)

• Art Direction: Riiisa Boogie
• 1,400 Square Feet (Total Wall)
• Mixed Media on Concrete
• Curated by Projectivity
• Sponsored by NYC Council Member Kamillah Hanks, NYC Parks Equity Fund, the Staten Island Foundation and NYC Department of Cultural Affairs

  • Community Mural
  • Exterior
  • Intensive

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