Edition Times Square: Passion

Featuring Art Direction by Kekoa (2019)
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On February 13th, we delivered four mixed media canvases to the brand new, luxury Edition Times Square hotel celebrating the hotel’s core values of Passion, Enchantment, Sophistication, and Authenticity. Staff helped paint the canvases on Friday, February 8th, by interpreting those values during their pre-launch staff training event. The canvases, art directed by Kekoa and assisted by Kristen Leung, were later installed in the staff lounge/cafeteria.

Edition Times Square

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Project Details

Edition Series: Passion, Enchantment, Authenticity, Sophistication
Art Direction: Kekoa
Assistant Artist: Kristen Leung

• Mixed Media on Four Canvases
• 35 Sq. Ft.
• Commissioned by Edition Times Square Hotel

  • Canvas
  • Interior
  • Private Collection

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