Welcome to “Migration Remix,” where students from one Brooklyn high school see themselves in masterpieces by Frida Kahlo (Mexico), Johannes Vermer (Netherlands), Hokusai (Japan), Van Gogh (Netherlands), Edvard Munch (Norway), Banksy (UK), Grant Wood (USA), and Keith Haring (USA).
In this collaboration with the High School of Telecommunications, Art & Technology, artists and students focused on reimagining famous works of art from different countries and eras to make them more representative of the increasingly diverse Bay Ridge community. The passionate group of students and staff worked together during many afternoons and weekends to cover the eight walls of the space.
Hana, a senior at HSTAT and one of the students who was especially dedicated, saw this time with her teachers and peers not only as a time to get to bond with people she may not otherwise have known, but also as a way for her to leave her mark:
“It’s interesting how many people come together, although some of the people don’t even normally speak to each other, people who even have gone to school together for four years and are just now talking for the first time when they’re working on the mural together. It’s actually really interesting. The project is somethings that somebody can tell stories about and say ‘I did something with this school before I left’ because a lot of us are seniors. A mural is something that stays put; you can’t just take it and go. It’s something you can’t really ever forget…”
High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology: Migration Remix (2018)

High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology: Production

High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology: Ribbon Cutting

Migration Remix also features homegrown teaching artist Kristen Leung’s first mural art direction.
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