PS/MS 105Q: Limitless

Featuring Art Direction by Tats Cru (Bronx 2023)
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To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop, our flagship R.H.Y.M.E. (Rhymes Help Young Minds Excel) school in Queens produced a full album of original music called “Limitless.” In the spirit of traditional hip hop promotions, iconic artists Tats Cru collaborated on the album cover art, and a related mural to celebrate the album’s release.

PS/MS 105Q: Limitless (2023)

R.H.Y.M.E. at PS 105Q

With Projectivity and Speek Lyfe

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Class of 2023

Class of 2022

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See Behind the Scenes

“Limitless” is an inspiring documentary showcasing the incredible talents of the students of PS/MS 105. Shot and edited by talented filmmaker Eric Mason, it takes viewers on a journey into the vibrant world of hip hop and the transformative power it holds.

“Limitless” focuses on the students’ involvement in Thrive Collective’s “RHYME” Program, a unique initiative that empowers young individuals to express themselves through rap and poetry. Under the guidance of skilled Teaching Artists Lawrence and Paul Coles, the students embark on a life-changing musical journey.

Through interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and mesmerizing performances, “Limitless” captures the raw emotions, struggles, and triumphs experienced by these young artists. It highlights how hip hop has become a powerful outlet for self-expression, healing, and empowerment.

This documentary is a testament to the power of music education and the importance of providing young individuals with a platform to express themselves. It showcases the immense talent, resilience, and creativity of the students from PS/MS 105, while also shedding light on the invaluable guidance and mentorship provided by Lawrence and Paul Coles from Thrive Collective. This documentary is a celebration of the limitless potential within every student and the transformative power of hip hop.

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Project Details

PS/MS 105Q (2023)

• Art Direction: Tats Cru
• 250 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Brick
• Sponsored by NYC DOE

  • Exterior
  • Intensive
  • Middle School

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