LES: Seeds of Love

Featuring Art Direction by Sam Wisneski, with Kaves (Brooklyn 2016)
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Thank you NYS Senator Marty Golden, Royal Talens, the Lutheran Elementary School Mural Committee, Michael “Kaves” McCleer, and all the students and volunteers who made Seeds of Love possible.

Enjoy pictures of the process and the finished mural.

Seeds of Love (2016)


LES Production (2016)

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Project Details

Lutheran Elementary School: Seeds of Love
School Elective (Brooklyn 2016)

• Art Direction & Teaching Artist: Sam Wisneski
• Featured artist: Kaves
• Exterior Schoolyard Wall
• 1200 Square Feet
• Acrylic and spray paint on brick
• Sponsored by NYS Senator Martin Golden, Royal Talens, PriceWaterhouse Coopers

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior
  • Middle School
  • Weekend

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