7th Precinct: LES Nature Love

Featuring Art Direction by TooFly (Manhattan 2021)
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Stemming from the nurturing support fostered by local community gardens, artist TooFly collaborates with Henry Street Settlement’s summer camp to celebrate local community gardens and empower the ladies of LES. As we sow the seeds planted from seasons past, life continues to bloom inspiration for us all. Regardless where you’re planted, this project reminds us all to envision a hopeful future with our roots in mind and in time we’ll see each other blossom beautifully. 🌸

7th Precinct: LES Nature Love

Murals by Toofly

Collabs with Henry Street Settlement

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Project Details

LES Nature Love
7th Precinct (2021)

• Art Direction: TooFly
• 480 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Stonewall
• Contributing Artists @chloe_pitkoff_art
• Sponsored by 7th Precinct, NYC Police Foundation, Henry Street Settlement and Abounding Grace

  • Community Mural
  • Exterior
  • Intensive

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