“La Lucha Continua” (2017)
Art Direction by Sam Wisneski / ThriveCollective.org
Loisaida Center + FABNYC + Thrive Collective
Community Mural at First Street Green
Corner of 2nd Avenue & Houston Street, Manhattan
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the twenty-six La Lucha Continua community murals painted by the community mural collective Artmakers Inc. in the Lower East Side (Loisaida) at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden. More here.
La Lucha Continua – Finished (2017)

See Also
Libertad O. Guerra, The Loisaida Center’s program director and chief curator, noted that … the Center has joined forces with the Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc) along with other local groups and community members to create a new mural at First Street Green Art Park (33 E. First St., corner of Houston St. & Second Ave.) paying tribute to the group of murals known as “La Lucha Continua.”
– Chelsea Now, “‘La Lucha Continua’ Exhibit Celebrates Enduring Message of ’80s Muralists” (May 23, 2017)
La Lucha Continua – Process (2017)

Contributing Artists & Volunteers
Below is a list of known artists and volunteer groups that participated in La Lucha Continua (2017). If you participated and are not listed, please include your Instagram handle in the comments below.
@loisaidainc.center @fourthartsblock @sjwisneski @saraerenthalart @armordtribe91 @abelincolnjr @centrefugepublicartproject @grimm_the_streetkat @castrofrank3000gmailcom @annalauriniblue @mingonyc @jonathanwsoto@nycmayorsoffice @nycmayor @carolchaan @_stavro_ @ratchinyc #fsgpark @streetartnyc @heynells
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