Judith S. Kaye HS: Hopes and Dreams

Featuring Art Direction by Kristy McCarthy (Manhattan 2022)
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Thrive Collective teamed up with Judith S. Kaye HS once again for this new project to create a mural for the teacher’s counseling office. The office is a space where students come to share their thoughts, get encouragement on anything, and mainly for those that are graduating to get prepared, making sure they’re on the right track.  Both the students and teachers said this room should show diversity in the mural and give symbols of positivity, comfort, acceptance and their future hopes and dreams. Working together, we used characters that represent the diversity of the students and them chasing those dreams and fulfilling purpose. The bridge is paying homage to the neighborhood and surroundings, the sunshine is symbolizing positivity, and the water is giving a sense of stillness and calmness for everyone to feel that comes in this room. 

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Project Details

Hopes and Dreams
Judith S. Kaye (2022)

• Art Direction: Kristy McCarthy
• 150 Square Feet
• Medium: Acrylic on drywall
• Contributing Artists Emily Gooden, Pips
• Sponsored by Council Member Diana Ayala, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC DYCD, Adrienne Adams, NYC Council

  • Accredited Elective
  • High School
  • Interior

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