PS 132: Juan Pablo Duarte

Featuring Art Direction by Toofly (Manhattan 2023)
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Washington Heights elementary school P.S.132 honors the legacy and visionary leadership of Juan Pablo Duarte, founder of the Dominican Republic. His presence is highlighted throughout the building through pictures, a statue bust, and now a colorful mural in the school’s third floor hallway.

The school’s mission inspires students to be: “Leaders, advocates, innovators, and problem solvers of our global community.” Fourth graders ages nine and ten helped interpret these ideas in the mural’s design. From a young man working on his tablet and a young lady cultivating crops, to a graduate leading the charge into the future, Duarte’s likeness calls students to emerge as the innovators, advocates, problem solvers, and leaders the world needs now and in the future.

PS 132: Juan Pablo Duarte (2023)

Murals by Toofly

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Project Details

Juan Pablo Duarte
PS 132 (2023)

• Art Direction: Toofly
• Contributing Artists: Kenneth Tooley
• 42 Square Feet
• Acrylic on Drywall
• Sponsored by PS 132 and Dept. of Cultural Affairs

  • Elementary School
  • Intensive
  • Interior

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