Inwood Academy for Leadership: Celebrating Culture

Featuring Art Direction by Savannah Zambrano (Manhattan 2022)
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Thrive artist Savannah Zambrano was selected for the City Artist Corps Grant to create a mural for a school in her community, and Thrive introduced her to our friends at Inwood Academy for Leadership. After much work and some heartwarming moments painting with students and families of the community, the time for the mural unveiling came: it was great to see the excitement and appreciation displayed by students and their families in working with our team and seeing their stories shared. A celebration much like that shown in the mural, the night of the unveiling was filled with vibrant energy and joy as we laughed, ate and shared some of our favorite moments together. Projects like these are what make Thrive what it is, so thank you to everyone who participated and congrats again to Savannah on receiving the #CityArtistCorps Grant and creating a beautiful mural!

Inwood Academy for Leadership: Celebrating Culture (2022)

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Project Details

Celebrating Culture
Inwood Academy for Leadership (2022)

• Art Direction: Savannah Zambrano
• 100 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Canvas

  • Elementary School
  • Interior

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