PS 48: Imagination

Featuring Art Direction by Jodi Dareal (Staten Island 2023)
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Welcome to Imagination Land!

This mural was designed by Jodi Dareal and the 4th grade students at PS 48, and its theme is imagination. The students and Lead Artist Dareal wanted the mural to reflect their favorite books, games, foods and stories.

The mural is divided into three sections, all of which pour out of a book sitting on a student’s desk in the center of the design. The lower left side of the mural (Part 1) is about sports: we included basketball, baseball, soccer, football, and hockey. The main section on the right (Part 2) is about outer space. Students chose which planets to include, adding a cookie planet and game planet with a start button. We also drew the school’s lion mascot as an astronaut; right next to it is a girl painting a lion. The center of the mural is a candy land castle. The students wanted to include their favorite treats that they enjoy while reading and or playing video games. The mural features popcorn clouds, skittles, an ice cream cookie sandwich, and various other candies and treats.

PS 48 William G. Wilcox: Imagination (2023)

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Project Details

PS 48 William G. Wilcox (2023)

• Art Direction: Jodi Dareal
• Contributing Artists: Marissa Molina, Loreto Hart and @Beccasartdesigns
• 88 Square Feet
• Polytab
• Sponsored by NYC DCLA, The Staten Island Foundation and Projectivity

  • Elementary School
  • Interior

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