Horizon JC: Headspace

Featuring Art Direction by Abby Walsh and Stephen Uhey (The Bronx 2021)
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What’s in your headspace?🧠 Regardless of what our journeys have brought us through, creative expression plays an important role in tending to our headspace and wellbeing. With the help of some participating residents, we explored the idea of mental health as a theme of this project and discovered some different ways to redefine space. Thanks to everyone at Horizon for reminding us that we can always break the mold and steer to new paths as our futures take shape.

Horizon JC: Headspace

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Project Details

Horizon Juvenile Detention Center (2021)

• Art Direction: Abby Walsh and Stephen Uhey
• 120 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Drywall
• Sponsored by HJC, Carnegie Hall and the residents of A-Hall

  • Intensive
  • Interior

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