“Mural: Master Class” students at McKinley Junior High School celebrated the generational handoff of immigrants in Bay Ridge by creating the Generations mural for the Norwegian Christian Home in Spring 2014. Here are some of the reactions from school and community leaders about the project’s significance:
Principal Janice Geary, McKinley Junior High School
“Projects like this give students the confidence to see themselves as positive change agents in their homes, neighborhoods, and classrooms. When students embrace their own capacity to create lasting and beautiful change, public schools and their surrounding communities thrive.”
George Jensen, Board Chair of the Norwegian Christian Home
“Inter-generational collaborations foster a long-term view of community building that values the unique contributions every generation can offer. We are delighted to house this mural as a lasting symbol of hospitality and goodwill.”
Hon. Vincent Gentile, New York City Councilman
“These students instill life and vitality into our neighborhood every single day. This mural will stand as a reminder of what is possible when communities and schools come together with students for sustainable change. I am proud to support projects that nurture a vision of community engagement at this age, and propel children into lifetimes of service and leadership.”
McKinley JHS: Generations (2014)

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