For this mural project it is important to the school that the 5th graders can come up with a concept that best represents the school and growth. The only request from the school is that we can have it represent the school and the students. This project’s purpose is to give them a means of leaving their mark. This project will be a 14 week project that will be based on whatever theme the students decide as a collective. We are working with one class. Which is great because we will have a day to have friends and family to come paint with us. Since the mural will be outside we collectively decided to try to include the surroundings into the mural. Since there are trees we want to add roots to represent growth. It will be very nature-like. It will also fit well with the tiger we will add to it as the school’s mascot.
From many affirmations and phrases the students like to write “we are all different but the same”. We can see kids comparing /giving each other hearts, from flowers made of hearts. We also see some kids drawing butterflies in the class and decorating them to the train of affirmation. The title of this is leaning towards Garden of love or garden of social justice. We had one community day and we had a few parents show up. But so many people were at the ribbon cutting. We had a band also perform. We had confetti during the ribbon cutting. Which the kid most definitely loved playing with after. We had the kids take picture with the places they have painted.
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