PS 61K: Futurism

Featuring Art Direction by Vince Ballantine (Bronx 2024)
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New York Edge commissioned Thrive Collective to imagine the future of urbanism for the MS 61 auditorium. Artist Vince Ballantine rose to the challenge with a three-panel, futuristic urban landscape design that also features the school’s Cougar mascot and school colors, green and yellow.

The auditorium is used by the school and also the community hosting dance competitions and other cultural events. The principal wanted artwork that also represented the Flatbush neighborhood and student body.  

MS 61K: Futurism (2024)

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Project Details

MS 61K (2024)

• Art Direction: Vince Ballantine
• Contributing Artists: Ayana Ayo
• 350 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Plaster
• Sponsored by New York Edge, MS 61K, NYC DYCD, NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs

  • Intensive
  • Interior
  • Middle School

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