The theme of this school mural is “Dream State of Mind”. This theme seemed very fitting for the environment it would be in a sensory room. This is a room where students will go to relax and feel calm. The imagery and visuals associated with this theme should have a soothing and relaxing impact on those that will be in this room. In the mural many of the students’ ideas or common ideas that came up were clouds, stars, moon and sunset. Many of the kids in their art work created flying animals and we also had many trees. But the weeping willow in one of the kids’ work stood out to the kids when we created a small group paper mural with the students. The tree was also significant for the children and a tribute to the school because there used to be a weeping willow outside which was cut down.
Perhaps the most fun tribute from the school was to see the mural incorporated as cover art for their 2023 yearbook.

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