PS 536X: Dream It Achieve It

Featuring Art Direction by Lola Lovenotes (Bronx 2023)
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For this project, PS 536 asked us to work with 5th graders to explore their home borough of The Bronx, specifically its cultural diversity, representation, language, and positive messaging. This first mural in the school also provided a platform for graduating fifth graders to leave their mark outside the main office visited by parents, staff and students alike.

The project culminated in three murals based on student ideas, conceived, designed, and produced during a 12-week class. The students generated images that best represent their borough, school, diversity, and positive messaging. They learned about public art murals, symbols, and color while practicing art techniques and skills. In all, the three murals adorn two walls in the school’s most heavily trafficked hallway.

PS 536X: “Dream It Achieve It” (2023)

Murals by Lola Lovenotes

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Project Details

Dream It Achieve It
PS 536X (2023)

• Art Direction: Lola Lovenotes
• Contributing Artists: Miri Banana & Merari Hernandez
• 140 Square Feet total
• Mixed Media on Polytab
• Sponsored by PS 536

  • Accredited Elective
  • Elementary School
  • Interior

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