Food for Thought

Featuring Art Direction by Jon Souza and TooFly (Brooklyn 2021)
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT 🥙💭 Serving a taste of what Little Caribbean NYC has had to offer the greater NYC community in the past and present. To look back at such influential Caribbean figures and see the impact it’s made on a flourishing and culturally rich neighborhood is a testament of the potential future generations will carry. Many thanks to the Downtown Natural Market team for making our time in Little Caribbean NYC such a treat!

Downtown Natural Market: Food for Thought

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Project Details

Food for Thought
Downtown Natural Market (2021)

• Art Direction: Jon Souza and TooFly
• 275 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Brick
• Contributing Artists @kongsavage
• Sponsored by Connect Life Church, NYC Department of Small Business, NYC Council Member Mathieu Eugene, and Little Caribbean NYC

  • Community Mural
  • Exterior
  • Intensive
  • Private Collection

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