Create! Harlem

Featuring Art Direction by Sam Wisneski (Manhattan 2017)
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It’s easy to define our differences, much harder to find the common ground that unites us. Community murals memorialize the shared vision that binds us together.

That’s why projects like “Create! Harlem” bring such joy. When we take the time to bridge divides, drab spaces transform into places where beauty thrives. We are so grateful to our partners SoHarlem, Inc. and Templo Biblico Cristo for leading the way; our sponsors Columbia Community Service and The Durst Family Foundation for financing the project; and scores of phenomenal volunteers from NYC Service, Afropunk, Touch the World, Experience Mission, and Abounding Grace Ministries; and our phenomenal interns and SYEP students.

Create Harlem Ribbon Cutting

Scores of artists, students, and volunteers collaborated to produce Create! Harlem over sixteen summer days.

Create! Harlem: Photo Diary

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Project Details

Create! Harlem
Summer intensive (Manhattan 2017)

• Art Direction: Sam Wisneski
• Templo Biblico at 126th Street and Amsterdam Avenue
• 1000 Square Feet
• Acrylic, latex, and spray paint on concrete
• Sponsored by El Templo Biblico, SoHarlem, Inc., Columbia Community Service, and the DurstFamily Foundation.

  • Community Mural
  • Exterior
  • Summer Intensive

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