Featuring Art Direction by Peach Tao & Chris Gomez (2019)
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Artists Peach Tao and Chris Gomez collaborated directly with the administration of Discovery High School on the Walton Campus for the Cognition murals, a series of four distinct but related installations. The principal wanted the murals to communicate the message that every individual person, thought, and action at Discovery High School interconnects to form a cohesive whole. When individual students engage individual thoughts through rigorous cognition, they take thoughtful actions that create success and unite communities as one.

Cognition Murals

  1. “It Takes All the Pieces” (Chris Gomez)
  2. “Mindful” (Peach Tao)
  3. “Rigor” (Peach Tao)
  4. “Achieve” (Chris Gomez)

Discovery Website

It’s fun to see the Cognition murals adorn the school’s new website.

Cognition Series

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Project Details

Cognition Series (2 of 4)
Discovery HS (Bronx 2019)

• Art Direction & Teaching Artists: Peach Tao & Chris Gomez
• Interior Hallways
• 400 square feet
• Acrylic and latex on plaster
• Sponsored by Discovery HS

  • High School
  • Intensive
  • Interior

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